ICE: Intelligent Community Energy for remote locations
Posted 2022-01-04 15:29:57 by
MSE International launches new supply chain portal for offshore, marine and coastal renewable energy opportunities

MSE International, as part of the ICE Interreg Project, has launched a new online supply chain portal, CORE-Directory, to enable relevant businesses to register their capabilities and interests in t...
Posted 2016-10-11 15:34:31 by Admin
ICE: Intelligent Community Energy for remote locations

The project is being led by Bretagne Developement Innovation, with nine organisations, including Marine South East part of the consortium.
The ICE project - whose acromym stands for "Intelligent Co...
Posted 2021-04-14 08:48:29 by
ICE project extends support to isolated islands and territories for smart energy solutions

The ICE partners, of which MSE International is one, have decided to go further in helping and supporting isolated territories including islands and ports to build and deploy smart energy solutions ...
Posted 2019-09-23 13:45:55 by Admin
Looking for new opportunities to implement smart-energy efficient solutions in isolated grids?

Interested businesses will need to complete an Expression of Interest and can learn more about the ICE certification process below:
The objectives of this Expression of Interest are first to identi...