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Inspirational lineup of speakers annouced for annual Shipwrights Lectures, 15th October 2014, Southampton

A University professor, composites yacht builder, inspirational single-handed deaf yachtsman, joiner shipwright and panel of experts chaired by an experienced journalist are among the eclectic line-up of personalities who will be presenting at the 2014 Shipwrights Lectures.

The lecture series, now in its fourth year, promises to be a riveting occasion for marine apprentices, young shipwrights and students. The event takes place on Wednesday 15th October 2014 at the Turner Sims, University of Southampton at 14.30.

The year's lectures will be opened by Professor Ajit R Shenoi, FIME, FINA, The Lloyds Register/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Professor in Lightweight Structures and the first Director of the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute. Professor Shenoi has been a lecturer at the University of Southampton since 1981 and is a specialist in lightweight composites and ship science design. This will be followed by a panel discussion entitled, 'Marine Electronics - 'Past, Present and the Future' chaired by the well-known yachting journalist and broadcaster, Matt Sheahan, Technical Editor of Yachting World. The discussion will focus on electronics, electrics and related power management requirements on yachts, both sail and power; a particularly relevant topic for all marine apprentices.

Oyster Yachts Joiner Shipwright, Alice le Good will talk about her apprenticeship and subsequent experiences at the world-class yacht builder Oyster Yachts and will be followed by Richard Acland, CEO of Green Marine who will give his perspective on the latest developments in state-of-the-art composites and super-fast racing yachts.

To bring the event to a close we are delighted to announce that the award-winning Gerry Hughes, the first profoundly deaf person to sail single-handed around the world will talk about his inspirational voyage. Gerry received the RYA Sailability Personal Endeavour Award for his 32,000 mile circumnavigation via the Five Great Capes in Quest III, his Beneteau 42s7.

The aim of the Shipwrights Lectures is to inform, inspire and show apprentices and students how careers in the immensely wide-ranging marine industry can develop from learning skills in engineering, laminating, wiring, joinery and outfitting to design, naval architecture and management. Attendance is free for apprentices nominated by their employers and young people under the age of 25 who are studying in the marine sector. Each apprentice receives a certificate of attendance.

For more information and to register your attendance please visit:

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Posted 2014-09-30 09:16:40

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