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Marine South East delivering successful offshore wind farm project for E.ON

Marine South East has successfully delivered the first part of a project with E.ON looking at the local supply chain for the Rampion Offshore Wind project.

MSE delivered a series of awareness events at three different locations which attracted nearly 200 delegates during April. Speakers from E.on were able to inform local businesses about potential opportunities arising from the proposed Offshore Wind Farms off the South Coast of England.

Project Manager for E.ON’s Rampion Offshore Wind Farm, Vaughan Weighill, said: "Marine South East are delivering an important piece of the jigsaw for us in terms of identifying and maximising the potential for local and regional contract opportunities on our project. The supply chain study they are leading, in collaboration with E.ON and the local authorities in Sussex, has already enabled us to engage with nearly 200 SMEs in Sussex alone and MSE have staged three very successful and professionally delivered seminars in the region for interested contractors."

These events have been followed up by a series of one day workshops to help businesses involved in supplying products and services improve their chances of winning tenders by developing Winning Bids and to become more competitive by Reducing Costs. Presenters from Bid Perfect and the Manufacturing Advisory Service delivered the interactive workshops which have been extremely well received by over 50 businesses who attended them.

The next stage of the project is to build a website and arrange a number of meet the buyer events which are due to take place in 2013.

Marine South East is currently looking at ways to expand on the success of the Rampion project internationally and is working with a number of European clusters and consortiums to develop an on-going project.

For more information please contact Richard Barron on

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Posted 2012-05-29 12:23:53

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