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Maritime Projects Roadshow event 12th October 2011, Southampton

This event is aimed at stakeholders and businesses who have an interest in nautical activities, maritime heritage, maritime training or marine renewable energy.

It will take place on 12th October, from 9am to 5pm,at Solent University Conference Centre, Southampton.

The event will involve a number Franco-British project workshops organised by the INTERREG IVA France (Channel) – England Programme.

The objectives of the Maritime Day are as follows:

* To meet potential maritime project partners within the geographical area of cooperation to enable interested parties to discuss their needs, share ideas for cooperation and initiate collaborations

* To highlight funding opportunities offered by the France (Channel) - England Programme for projects dealing with maritime issues

* To support interested parties to define their concrete actions and implement their goals of cooperation.

These workshops aim to map the needs of key players present in each of the territories through six separate workshops which will consider collaboration on the following themes:

Nautical activities

Workshop 1:
* Networking of marinas, common development tools
* Development of cruises and mini cruise activity
* Development of water sports (sailing races, regattas, diving, sport fishing ...)

Workshop 2
* Enhancement of maritime heritage (boats, coastal, urban, industrial)
* Public information (oceanography museum, aquariums)

The target audience includes: representatives of marinas, boating associations, tourism development organisations, representatives of cities or towns located in seaside tourist development organisations, associations of traditional vessels, structures for the preservation of lighthouses and other maritime heritage ...

Maritime Training

Workshop 3:
* Development of university courses in renewable energy (Masters, Common Modules)
* Development of training courses in operation and maintenance of Maritime Renewable Energy (MRE) for technicians (Knowledge of wind power, Health and Safety, Plastics, Mechanical Maintenance - hydraulic, electrical maintenance)
* To facilitate employability and the return to work as a result of MRE

Workshop 4:
* Development of logistics, transport and maritime safety training
* Training for staff of marinas (Technical knowledge, maritime language, marketing ports, tourist boats, exchange of marina personnel)

The target audience includes the representatives of universities and engineering schools with an interest in EMR, structures involved in maritime vocational training, Maritime Training colleges, Directorates of French Regional Councils,

Valueing marine resources and fishing activities

Workshop 5:
* Valuation, diversification and adaptation of seafood and marine farming
* Preservation and management of marine resources

The target audience includes conservation experts, voluntary and community organisations working to protect the marine environment, Wildlife trusts, Local authority biodiversity teams and other organisations tasked with the management of the marine environment.

Research, innovation and technology transfer

Workshop 6:
* Networking of "Nautical" and "maritime" clusters
* Technological development of renewable energy
* Networking of research centers and universities on the subject of maritime activities

The target audience includes: centres of excellence, "nautical and innovation" clusters dedicated to maritime and nautical activities, universities and research centers ....

The registration form and project ideas sheet is available to download from

Please return completed forms to before 9th September 2011.

Due to limited space not more that two representatives are allowed per organisation.

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Posted 2011-08-19 14:17:42

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