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Solent LEP successful in gaining start-up funding

The recently launch Solent LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) has been successful in its bid to receive £95,000 start up funding from the Government.

Doug Morrison, Solent LEP Chairman commented;

"I am delighted that we have been successful in our bid to the LEP Start-Up Fund. This Start-Up money will be used to establish the Solent LEPs operational capacity so that it is robust enough to ensure we are in a strong and sustainable position to deliver for the Solent.

Part of the money will also be used to develop a full business plan for the LEP. This will allow us to build on the initial information gained at our launch event consultation and determine where we can make the biggest impact for the Solent business community."

Further information on the LEP Start-Up fund is available at

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Posted 2011-08-16 10:54:57

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