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South East Regional Ports Group meeting report June 2010

On 22 June 2010 a special meeting of the South East Regional Ports Group was held in London to discuss the role of ports with respect to the development of offshore renewable energy projects, including offshore wind farms, floating wind turbines, tidal range, tidal stream and wave energy.

With particular regard to offshore wind a number of South East ports are already providing services to the developers of Round 1 and Round 2 sites, and the announcement of the developers for the two Round 3 sites off the South Coast has opened further opportunities for ports in construction, operations and maintenance support for these installations.

The discussion noted that ports were key nodes in bringing the economic benefits to the UK, and that they needed to work with others to present a package to developers that also addressed issues such as a skilled workforce, training opportunities and the setting up of a robust supply chain.

It was also noted that facilities developed in the first instance for offshore wind applications might have a longer life as the emerging technologies of tidal and wave energy devices begin to be widely installed.

The Regional Ports Group comprises representatives from all the main commercial ports in the South East area. On this occasion they were joined by representatives from Government departments including speakers for DECC, DEFRA, DfT, GOSE and the South East England Partnership Board, together with The Crown Estate, Envirobusiness and Marine South East.

The meeting was hosted by the British Ports Association and these meetings are facilitated on behalf of SEEDA by Howard Holt of Marine South East, from whom further information on the group can be obtained; though it should be noted that commercial presentations are not made during these events as they generally deal with policy, planning and strategic issues.

For additional information please contact Howard Holt at

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Posted 2010-06-24 12:13:48

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