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New advice line helps companies deal with employee health

NHS advice line

A free adviceline has been launched to help small business managers with the expert advice and support they need to help team members experiencing ill health. Many managers will have experienced how the health of an individual impacts on their performance. What’s more, with the increase of work-related mental health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression, it is now more important than ever to:
- find the advice and support you need today to help an employee experiencing ill health;
- develop a plan to effectively and sympathetically deal with employee sickness absence;
- establish how to deal with similar problems in the future, should they occur;
- think differently about your business and the investment you could make in a healthy workplace.

It is widely recognised that the health of individuals is linked to their ability to effectively participate and contribute in their work. The impact of ill health on small businesses is significant, yet very few provide help and support to staff who suffer from ill health.

With some small businesses losing on average 12 days a year to physical or mental ill health, the potential impact on you and your business is considerable. Contacting the adviceline will help you to provide the immediate help and support needed by an employee experiencing ill health. You will understand how to manage future cases of employee ill health and sickness absence, and how to introduce healthier working practices that will positively impact on all your staff.

The adviceline will provide you with expert support to help you:
- get an employee back to work after long-term sickness
- manage the impact on your business when an employee takes time off work through ill health;
- support an employee and benefit from their abilities if they are at work with health issues;
- encourage and support an employee who is off work, yet wants to return and contribute to your business;
- develop a working culture where illness is less likely to occur.

To find out more contact the adviceline using the free phone number 0800 0 77 88 44. Alternatively visit

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Posted 2010-01-04 11:59:23

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