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Gravesham MP shows commitment to marine training

Adam Holloway MP

Gravesham MP Adam Holloway visited the National Sea Training Centre at North West Kent College last week to find out about the latest training requirements for Britain’s Merchant Navy.

His afternoon began with a splash when he jumped 12ft in to the swimming pool and swam to a standard inflatable life-raft and clambered in. He was given information about the use of fast rescue boats - which are now a requirement of any ship carrying passengers - and was told how people deal with hypothermia and the rough seas, if they are out in the ocean in a life raft.

He was then taken to the fire training ground where he learnt about how to deal with being hot and wet: putting out fires at sea.

'I see how important this training is,' he said. 'If you only remember 10% of this you stand a better chance of surviving.'

The NSTC trains Ship's Officers and Crew, for every eventuality, to International Standards agreed by the UN.

Head of the NSTC Paul Russell, said: 'Mr Holloway's enthusiasm to want to know how people have to survive in the middle of the ocean was impressive. So we are delighted to see that our MP is taking this interest in the vital Safety training provided here in his constituency.'

If you would like to find out more about the training that the college offers go to

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Posted 2009-07-29 14:20:09

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