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British Science Festival, 5-10 September 2009

British Science festival 09 logo

Venue: Surrey

The British Science Festival is Europe's largest science festival, with over 150 events and 350 scientists, social scientists, engineers and commentators taking part.

Each year, thousands of people attend the Festival including hundreds of journalists from regional, national and international press. The Festival regularly generates significant national and international media coverage through radio, television broadcasts, newspapers, magazines and the web.

Does your company have something exciting to show the world?
As part of the 2009 Festival SEEDA is sponsoring a business showcase event where innovative regional companies can highlight their scientific, engineering or technological innovations to a broad audience including young people - the potential workforce of tomorrow.

We would particularly welcome interactive displays that will engage and excite visitors to the Festival, presenting the innovation, business excellence and opportunities which science, engineering and technology can offer.

Companies that participate may also have the opportunity to attend Festival networking events and tell the world about their scientific achievements through press conferences, press releases and articles in the Festival magazine, 'Ignite'.

If you are interested in getting involved please contact Avril Brohier at SEEDA on 01483 501366 or email for further details.

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Posted 2009-05-01 10:05:31

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