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The good, the bad and the funny - Green Blue wants your photos

Green Blue logo

The Green Blue, the joint environment programme for the RYA (Royal Yachting Association) and the BMF (British Marine Federation), is calling all boaters to send them their photos from out on the water for their new photography competition ‘The Good, The Bad and The Funny’.

Send in your photos of anything to do with the boating environment under the three titles - The Good, The Bad and The Funny and you could win a prize, maybe lunch with Dee Caffari MBE.

Be it a stunning sunset, a funny moment onboard the boat, a community clean up at your local club or something horrible such as a leaky oil drum, whatever you think fits, the team are looking for special photographs, recording the scenes that inspire you out on the water.

Sarah Black, The Green Blue Project Manager said: "They say a picture paints a thousand words so in our mission to promote good environmental practice to boaters and marine businesses, we are looking for some great photos to help us get our message across.

"We want to educate, inspire and motivate the public and the photography competition is an ideal way to create a sense of wonderment and fun that will move people to take action."

There will be prizes for all three categories - The Good, The Bad and The Funny with two age groups for each category, under and over 16's. There will also be an overall prize and a special celebration at Southampton Boat Show. Your winning photo may even feature on the front page of the RYA magazine or make its way onto the pages of the RYA and BMF websites!

Download the application form and rules of entry at The Green Blue website, or email . All entries need to be submitted by Monday 24 August 2009.

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Posted 2009-04-01 08:08:22

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