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Improving skills to meet future technology needs

technology skills

The first phase of the Technology Skills project is now completed. The project, which is being implemented jointly by Marine South East and the Farnborough Aerospace Consortium, has initially been talking to companies about how they are planning for their future need for better technology and how this will affect their skills needs.

This research phase has thrown up some interesting responses from companies and has shown a concerning lack of forward planning to meet their technology skill needs over the next few years.

Jonathan Williams, Chief Executive of Marine South East, commented: “Forty eight companies were interviewed and although some had sound planning in place to deal with large orders and use of technology, this certainly wasn’t the case across the board.”

He went on to say: “We are now planning a Board-level meeting between ourselves, the Farnborough Aerospace Consortium and some senior members of SEEDA to look at how we can tackle this problem and move forward in planning for future advanced technology needs.”

The aim of this project is to work in partnership to develop processes and training to meet the sector’s increasing reliance on advanced technology.

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Posted 2007-03-01 06:04:41

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