New European Marine Innovation Database
A new European Marine Innovation Database has been launched online as part of the outputs from the REMCAP European project, of which Marine South East is a partner.
The European Marine Innovation Database pulls together information generated from two European Projets, EMSAC and REMCAP. The site provides an online database of the most relevant Marine Science and Technology Projects funded by the different national or European mechanisms.
EMSAC and REMCAP are Coordination Projects funded by the Research DG of the European Commission within the Regions of Knowledge programme of FP7. EMSAC addresses water resource management issues, including water quality, coastal risks and living resources. REMCAP addresses innovation priorities for enhanced maritime resource efficiency.
Both projects work through marine Regional Research Driven Clusters (RRDC), bringing together Europe's centres of marine business capability, research expertise, and public authority commitment. Regions involved are South East England (UK), Västra Götaland (West Sweden), Brittany and Mediterranean coast (France), South West Ireland, Portugal and Lithuania.
Data stored on the online database includes keywords on each project and contact details of participation institutions.
To access the database please visit
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