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Posted 2023-03-29 14:21:10 by

The UFO project, which launched in 2020 with MSE International as one of its partners, came to end recently, having successfully supported 66 European SMEs to develop new applications utilising SFOs (Small Flying Objects) technologies, to address societal challenges in emerging industries, including Blue Growth and climate change.

The project included the collaboration of 6 clusters from France, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and the United Kingdom, which worked together to develop new collaborations and value chains among European SMEs.

A total of Euro 3.04M has been given to European SMEs, including a number of British companies, through direct grant funding for demonstration projects and feasibility studies. To view all the projects and the innovative technologies click here. All the beneficiaries also received high-level mentoring, coaching and a series of training webinars.

In addition the UFO project successfully achieved the following:

  • Linked 14 funded SMEs to a total of Euro1M of additional funding from private and public sources
  • Contributed to the creation or reconfiguration of 25 product/service value chains
  • Supported 21 demonstration projects
  • Organised 5 cross-fertilisation sessions and 2 B2B events for the benefit of European SMEs
  • Engaged with 80 potential customers
  • At least 549 SMEs benefited from innovative support activities via either direct financial support or other activities.

To view a feature film of the UFO final showcase event and get an overview of the UFO partnership follow this link:

The European UFO Project received Euro4.3M from the Horizon 2020 programme from the European Commission out of which Euro3.6M was dedicated to support SMEs through direct financial support and services provided by the UFO partners.

The European project UFO received €4.3 million from the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission out of which €3.6 million was dedicated to support SMEs through direct financial support and services provided by the UFO partners. Present in 5 different countries (Bulgaria, France, Greece, Romania and United Kingdom) UFO succeeded in financing 66 SMEs providing innovative solutions on the targeted emerging industries.