Interest Groups
MSE has created a number of Interest Groups where businesses, organisations, stakeholders, scientific and research organisations and public authorities can sign up to receive regular updates on relevant projects, collaborations, events, activities and research results.

Ports and shipping are major users of energy and are under pressure to improve air quality and reduce their use of fossil fuels and use electricity instead. The Decarbonisation Interest Group will keep subscribers up to date with relevant projects, research, activities, opportunities and events in this area.

Small flying objects and other technologies and services are becoming increasingly important in many areas of the blue economy as they are one of the most available, effective and cost-efficient technologies to explore, monitor, control and study the exploitation of oceans and their resources. This interest group will keep subscribers up to date with projects, events, opportunities and activities in this area.

The world's oceans are seeing a growing development of marine infrastructures including offshore wind farms, marine aquaculture farms and offshore ports. These developments need to be sustainable and use technologies across a wide range of disciplines in order to reduce social and economic costs and minimise the impact on marine ecosystems. This interest group will keep subscribers up to date with projects, events, opportunities and activities in this area.

Saving our oceans and marine biodiversity is critical to the health of people as well as the planet. This interest group will keep subscribers informed of projects that MSE is involved with in areas such as reducing marine plastics in fisheries and aquaculture, innovations in bio-based materials and other related projects. Sign up to be kept informed of projects, events, opportunities and activities in this area.